Thursday, June 7, 2007

Thinking Is Really Hard

I watched with amusement as Icy stood there staring at that dog-food can drooling and licking her snout for a very long time. Finally she went over and laid down staring at the small recycle bin. Then she seemed to have figured the problem out when she jumped up and walked to the other end of the box and easily reached down to snatch the can. It just takes some of us a little longer to catch on.


TLP said...

Hey Icy, I feel your pain. I'm kinda slow myself.

Anonymous said...

I wud hav just eatin the bloomin kan! Also the reesykle box. Think abowt that in the futur.

Doug The Una said...

Icy, I'd still be workin' on it. Daddy Tom is laughing with you not at you.

Ariel the Thief said...

Tom, it's so cool you let her figure the problem out herself, I bet she was beaming when got the can. :)

Jamie Dawn said...

The inner workings of Icy's mind are wondrous.