Sunday, August 19, 2007

Neighbor Dog Turned Mean

The guy across the street got this dog when it was a pup and kept it in the house all the time until it got about 10 months old. Then he brought it over to the house next door to us and chained it up outside. It would bark and cry all the time. It was a friendly pet when they first got it, but yesterday it attacked a woman coming up the alley and mauled her hand.


TLP said...

Isn't that so sad? Why do people get an animal if they don't want to be good to it? Why would a person get a dog if they didn't want to be WITH the dog? I just don't understand it.

Cie Cheesemeister said...

That is sad. I knew some people who got a German Shepherd as a puppy. He was very friendly at first but they kept him tied up outside all the time and he turned mean too.

tsduff said...

Dogs want to be with their family.


Anonymous said...

When will people realize how sweet dogs are naturally and how badly they want to be good citizens until humans ruin them?

G said...

Terrible what people do to ruin an animal. Sad.