Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Drifting Namelessly Through Life

I sort of feel that Big Noname (male) and Little Noname (female) are related, maybe brother and sister. The vagabonds drifted into our lives about the same time, but the Big tom-cat doesn't like it in the house, and he is violent toward the dogs and even scratched up Icy's nose. Little Noname doesn't like the outdoors and gets along with the dogs and even stands beside them with no problems.


Ariel the Thief said...

God knows the name of every things, the names we give are just for our help.

I've always been a little envy of animals, there's no such a thing like they act like this or that to look cool or attractive or because a magazine wrote that that's the thing in style or because a movie star is like this, the courageous animals act courageous, the coward ones coward, the curious ones curious, and all is fine.

Ariel the Thief said...

Icy, what's happened, the future doesn't blind you anymore?

Cie Cheesemeister said...

Little Noname sounds like a good house cat. My cat Trinity is like that. She took pretty quickly to being a house cat. Isis, on the other hand, is a big curmudgeon who doesn't get along with the other pets, except for the rabbit. And she insists on going outside sometimes. She will never be a house cat.

G said...

Nature vs. nurture?

Poor Icy. I think she needs to up the protection around her foodbowl.

Doug The Una said...

Coming soon, Sergio Leone's The Dry Dust of Litterbox Lake.

Logophile said...

I remember when I was reading Call of the Wild and White Fang I had long philosophical talks with myself on the bus ride home about whether or not animals thought of themselves in the first person and if they named themselves.
I still havent reached a conclusion on that.

tsduff said...

Why do cats have to be the boss of everyone?