Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Snow Alpo

Humans can have their 'snow ice cream' but I like my 'snow Alpo'.


Jamie Dawn said...

Sounds good to me.
A nice, crunchy slush.

We've had no snow this winter. Last winter, we had one, light snowfall in Feb. I love the south's mild winters!!!

Jamie Dawn said...

Oh, I forgot to say that I hope this new post means that Master Tom is feeling better.


tsduff said...

Ah - nothing beats a good can. The snow looks pretty but I bet grass is more fun. That is a great shot of Icy at her favorite pasttime.

It is good you are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Playing in the snow is good for getting inspired to go in and get warm--nudge, nudge, wink, wink!

Anonymous said...

Hey I dont like ice creams either

Hope tom master is doing better

Ariel the Thief said...

Aim, I believe you are the first who doesn't like icecream in my life. Have you tried hard enough? :-P

That picture is so cute!

TLP said...

Hope you're better by now Tom.

We have snow today! A nice one.

tsduff said...

When I eat ice cream, I can not answer the phone. You see my tongue gets thick - numb almost, and I slur my words - sounds like I'm drunk! I used to work at Haagen Dazs answering phones, so it was a real hazard for me to ever eat an ice cream while at work.

G said...

Aww that is the cutest. Louie did love the snow yesterday - he had his head buried trying to get to the grass underneath. Hope all are well. ~ G

Ariel the Thief said...

Icy, this is the 6th day you're chewing on that can. Are the cats gone?