Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Rabbit Rabbit

I feel so uneasy since there has been so much news about so many famous people dying, and the girl across the street died. She was in her thirties. A friendly neighborhood drug dealer sold her some morphine patches and she used them and took other stuff and it killed her. Knowing someone personally who died makes the news on TV much more real. And being old and my wife even older and sickly, well, it's kind of scary to say the least. Makes me feel like that little rabbit knowing the big Reaper could come for me any time.


Doug The Una said...

Rabbit Rabbit, Tom. I can't believe you posted and Actonbell commented, and Actonbell was the darker one. I guess gloom comes for us all, but it comes a lot to readers.

Jan said...

Rabbit, Rabbit.
A most disturbing graphic.But the bunny looks like he is holding his own against the dark forces.

TLP said...

Don't die. That's my advice. It's worked for me so far.

Rabbit rabbit.

Nessa said...

Rabbit, rabbit, Tom. i have no additional wisdom to add.

Nessa said...

But I do really like the picture. i think it's pretty.

Anonymous said...

Rabbit, rabbit to you. Why would anyone buy anything from a drug dealer. Doesn't make sense. I think the reaper could come for any of us at any time such is life :)

Anonymous said...

Karnickel Karnickel - isn't it a good thing that we are not able to look into the future?

G said...

I know my mother always reasoned that there was a reason that we couldn't see ahead to tomorrow. Sad story about your neighbor - life can be so overwhelming for many. It's not for the meek.

Tibbar tibbar.

G said...

Oh and have a good July! I do like TLP's advice :)

Unknown said...

Tibbar Tibbar.
Sorry about your neighbor. What's worse than knowing the grim reaper could off me the way Isis the Pyro Kat offed a little baby rabbit and brought it to me is knowing that the bastard could easily do it to someone I care about instead, just to be a bastard.

tsduff said...

Tom, that is a fabulous picture, even though grim. I agree about how it is when death visits someone you know. It's not like a single one of us will escape it... hopefully later than sooner.
Tibbar Tibbar - have missed you and Icy.

Ariel the Thief said...

It feels like I haven't been here for ages, and now in this post and the comments your wisdom sparkles, people. Are you like this in the times of Big Bad Things happening?