Bootsy helped Icy get over the grief of losing her daddy Dusty. Whenever Bootsy would come in the house, he would kiss Icy on the nose and rub back and forth several times the length of her body. The kitten plays with Icy once in a while, but Icy doesn't like it pulling her hair.
It has been several days since Bootsy has been here. He is a year old and roams a lot of a night, but he always came home in the day. The new kitten almost got killed yesterday when she started following me to the store and I crossed a busy four lane highway only to see the kitten following me. I snatched it up and took it back home and locked it in the house while I went out.
Another kitten has wandered into our house, and refuses to leave. It looks to be just a couple months old and has taken up with Bootsy, and has become tolerant of Icy. But it is a female. We have no idea where it came from.