Sunday, December 16, 2007

Snowed Again

Icy got excited.


Ariel the Thief said...

Icy, I come out to play!

Tom & Icy said...

w00t has been picked as the American English word of the year by a dictionary company. It is what someone may say when they are excited about something that wouldn't excite other people around them. It is a geek word they say when playing a video game.

Ariel the Thief said...

What's the difference between w00t and wow, please explain me.

Tom & Icy said...

In English we have vernaculars. That is a different meaning of common words by a particular group or subject where the words have special meanings. Like in the music vernacular, if you say it's phat (sounds like fat) it means good. But if you say fat outside of the subject of music it means overweight.
The word rip usually means to tear something. If you use 'rip' talking about a woman it means promiscuous. If you use 'rip' in computer vernacular it means to copy a CD.
w00t is a word used in the vernacular of video games. It is sort of unique because it has two letters and two numbers, w - zero - zero - t. It means the same as wow in mainstream talk, but w00t is a term that is usually used only with gaming. We would just say wow, but a geek would say w00t. If he were to say 'wow!' then the people around him would jump up and run over to see what was so exciting. But if he says 'w00t!' then they would know it was just something exciting to him in the game he was playing and nothing the others would be interested in.

Anonymous said...

w00t the hell. When in Geek Land,
w00t as the R0mans do. Or something.

G said...

Icy I should have known that you'd be using the latest vernacular. w00t to you too!

Ariel the Thief said...

Geek language. The world is getting funny. Thanks!

Tom & Icy said...

Easy Peezy, the Romans didn't have a zero in their numerals. Isn't that sad?

Jamie Dawn said...

Hitonious trumps w00t.

Be careful not to get frostbitten paws.