Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Almost A Turtle Shell Kitten

I stepped outside this morning and saw a small kitten come out of our garage. It is just a few weeks or a month old. The color or marking is very similar to the turtle-shell kitten we had about a year ago.


Doug The Una said...

What great colors. (S)He looks like she has seams.

Jan said...

What a cutie. You must have something that attracts cats.

Anonymous said...

Oh Mann ...

Ariel the Thief said...

One single kitten? All alone? Good news if you are happy about feline company again. :)

Unknown said...

It's so cute! Maybe this one will stick around a while. But be careful. This breed likes to set fires. (i.e. Isis the Pyro Kat)

tsduff said...

Tom, you & Icy are a kitten magnet.

Jamie Dawn said...

SO cute!!! I might be tempted to adopt that one if it were here.

Hobbes said...
