Friday, October 2, 2009


This is the "stuff aura" of the woman across the street. Whenever we would go up to visit her, it was all her personal things and furniture we also saw around her and associated with her. She was in her thirties, and bought a morphine patch from a drug dealer which killed her. And now, seeing all this stuff on the curb to be hauled away reminds us of what happens to our personal possessions or "aura" after our body is put away.


Jamie Dawn said...

How very sad.


We don't take any of our "aura" stuff with us.

Doug The Una said...

That's deep. Sad about the woman, but the "stuff aura" is something to think about.

Jan said...

So young, so sad. Memorable post, Tom.

Nessa said...

Poignant. I think I need to clean out my closets.

TLP said...

Gosh Tom, that's so sad. You said it perfectly.

I've had to dispose of "stuff aura." Our son died at age 26, and his stuff had big-time aura. Never would have come up with the term, but it's perfect.

Unknown said...

Our body is also just refuse after we leave it.
My stuff aura is absolutely horrible and mostly worthless. I'm going to try not to speculate on that too much.

Anonymous said...

Morphine - man, who does this today? The term you coined is very fitting. Mine shrunk over the years. If I'd meet my fate in one of these corridors at night my stuff aura would consist of books mostly.

Anonymous said...

I am just curious Tom: How does the spot look today? Are her belongings gone? It's a week now.

Ariel the Thief said...

I was thinking about the amount of crap we collect when my grandmother died and we started to empty her flat. Most important things turned into useless crap overnight.

dange - dance with me in the garage

tsduff said...

I have to burn my diaries - too much stuff in those old pages to leave around...

Very poignant post Tom.

Hobbes said...

That is sad, but I also think one's aura is more than one's personal possessions.

Anonymous said...

Is all right with Icy?

Anonymous said...

What's going on here? When I come on your site there is some kind of overlay, seemingly advertisement. But I can click on the comments .