Friday, November 9, 2007

Life Is Making Choices

Usually you don't know what's behind them.


Ariel the Thief said...

A closed door can be more alluring than the hottest striptease dancer.

TLP said...

Oh, just piss on'em all. That's the only safe thing to do.

Anonymous said...

At a fashion show I once accidentally went into the guys' dressing room to change. It was sooo embarrassing, until I realized that all those sweet drag queens were like sisters to me, and we had so much fun helping each other put on our makeup!

tsduff said...

I'll take door number 3.


Minka said...

Sure enough, but by the look of it, it seems all dorrs will get you into the same room and your backgraden looks way more interesting!

Jamie Dawn said...

But I WANNA know what's behind them!!!!

Tom & Icy said...

The right door is to the pawn shop, and the left is to an empty store

Anonymous said...

see that is why you need windows!!!
So that you can peep and know which is what!