Thursday, July 31, 2008

Icy Asks Dr. Doggy

Icy asks Dr. Doggy if chocolate is bad for her.


Doug The Una said...

Can Willie be Icy's lawyer?

Lila said...

Rabbit, rabbit! The answer is "yes".

Ariel the Thief said...

Rabbit, rabbit!

tsduff said...

Tobin should have seen this a few weeks ago, before he scarfed the chocolate bar off the coffee table when we were sleeping... he was very sick for days. If he had been a smaller dog, he would be a dead dog.

Excellent video!!! Dr. Doggy sure has good ennuciation behind his mask...

Jan said...

Does he play the doctor on TV?

I love his hands.

TLP said...

Rabbit rabbit. Dog dog. Sorry about the chocolate being bad for you, but...ya know, that means MORE CHOCOLATE for me! And that's what's important.

Anonymous said...

I say, If it feels good do it, Ice Queen!!!!!

Unknown said...

I didn't know about grapes!
What's interesting is that in humans a very tiny amount of cyanide is actually good for the heart. One "bitter almond" (the almond shaped seed inside a peach pit) a day is supposed to be quite healthy. I actually used to eat these every day. Obviously it didn't kill me! But then again, I'm not a dog. Just a big crazy talking flower.

Fred said...

Just as well, I don't eat chocolate anyway.